I am in desperate need of a dress form - you know - the kind professional fashion designers use (as seen on project runway). I am constantly looking on Craigs list and KSL classifieds for a used one but because they are pretty pricey - once you buy one, you're not likely going to sell it for pennies (boo for me).
So from time to time I will google "dress form" and view website after website trying to decide which dress form would be best - just so I can narrow down exactly what I am looking for. Well today, because I am just confused as to what would be best I "googled" what is the best dress form for designers. One of the first pages that pop up is this link to the Threads magazine (magazine for sewers like myself) detailing how to make your own dress form so I think "Wow, now that would be a lot more economical! I think I'll check this out".
So as I am reading through the instructions, I am seeing that basically it involves putting your body in a cast and then cutting it away and using the shell as a dress form. I am thinking "Okay, so does this really work? It seems kind of crazy." Then I proceed to scroll to the bottom of the page where people have left their comments and about the third comment down, I see in large capital letters . . .NEVER MAKE A PLASTER BODY CAST!!! Okay, this ladies post made me laugh so hard and I have laughed several times through out the day. Maybe I'm crazy and It's not as funny as I think it is but you just have to read it. What lengths we seamstresses will go to!
Here's the link:
Connor { Months 1-6 }
10 years ago