Nathan told me that there have been times for him when the plane lands in a new country and he thinks to himself "I don't want to be in this country, why am I getting off this plane here??". Okay, No - I don't want to hear that - he is my rock, my mister adventure who finds the good in any country, even the desert of Iraq - he can not tell me he has those thoughts because then I might think it's okay to have those thoughts and I cannot do that!! Don't panic, don't panic, don't PANIC!! I have that same feeling I get on the Tower of Terror at Disneyland when you know that the ride to the top has stopped and now your seat is going to drop out from underneath you and I am thinking to myself "I don't like to feel scared - why did I even get on this ride in the first place?" YIKES!!
Connor { Months 1-6 }
10 years ago
Wow! D.C.! That is exciting. Good luck with everything. Wish I was there to help you (and to go to your garage sale :)). Miss you!
Your blog was linked from one of the FS blogs I read, and I couldn't resist to comment on a fellow Utahn's blog. My husband is a foreign service specialist and we just moved to DC last week for training before we head off to our first overseas post (Conakry Guinea). We'll be here until August so if you guys need anything, let me know! (Kind of a strange request coming from a stranger, but I mean it.) :)
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