Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life's little annoyances

Okay, today I finally caught up on my reading of every body's blog (shame on me for taking so long). I love reading every body's blog but I have to say...not a huge fan of the music thing. I have a very simple mind and for some strange reason - I cannot read and listen to music at the same time. Sadly enough, I just have to mute my computer. Don't worry- it's no biggie but I wonder if I am the only one to have this problem? Probably.

Today Jackson's friend that we carpool with informed me that there is a merit badge in scouting for video games. Seriously? I'm sure they just thought up one more badge the Boy Scouts of America could make money on. Did you know that every badge is $3-$4? Even if there were 1 million boys participating in scouting, that is $4 million for one badge that probably cost them 3 cents to make. I swear, Boy Scouts is a rip off. Jackson loves it and I think it is so fun but do they really need a badge for EVERYTHING?? Apparently the person who came up with this latest badge thinks so. Oh brother!


Natalie said...

So with you on the scout thing. Especially when I see the budget breakdown and know how much of our ward's budget goes toward those little expensive things while the yw are always penny pinching. I'm okay with the music thing though :)

Heather O'Brien said...

Well you better just stop looking at my blog then because I am MUSIC all the way. I need sound. I hate silence. I'll try and change up my tunes for you :). LOVE that Steph stole your shirt. That is funny. When I got your email, her name was the first thing that came to mind. K, and what are you talking about the head thing? I'm so confused. Love your guts!

VillageGreen Unit For Sale said...

OUCH!!! actually the reason why we have music on our blog is for me...the music on it is my ultimate play list so I listen to it while working...