Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun in the 95 degree sun!

It was oh so hot today so first thing this morning, Audrey just had to put on her swimsuit (of course her favorite swimsuit is the one with Little Mermaid plastered all over it- soooo cute, I know). Yes, we are still in school but Kindergarten has testing all week long so this is like spring break round 2 for Audrey, she is in heaven. I had to take some photos of her and one of her best girlies Eden - don't they just look so young and innocent? Ahh, those happy days before a mortgage, grocery bills, insurance payments, jury duty. . . . I could go on and on right?

Nathan is so fancy, he is in Korea all week so I am living large this week - I'll tell you what baby! He will however be home for the Memorial Day holiday. Today I asked him what we should do on Monday since he has a day off, he replied "work in the yard". Oh ya, that's right - isn't living on 1/2 an acre soooo much fun? All this space is soooo great - I mean, it's basically fire control all summer long as we try to keep the grass from burning up from the extreme heat of the desert we live in. Ahh, the lazy days of summer.

I just had to add this last photo of Jane in her high chair with buzz laying in wait of any droppings that may fall. It's actually not a very great photo but you get the idea. Jane is now eating what Audrey likes to call "real people food" and therefore half of it lands on the ground. No wonder Buzz is beginning to look a little chunky to me!

1 comment:

Sally said...

What darling pictures! THANK YOU for taking a few of Eden. I'm such a negligent picture-taker.

Very fun to see what those girls are up to when Eden disappears to your house.

Great blog.